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Effinger Research Karen E. Effinger, MD, MS
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Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist, <br />
Medical Director of Survivorship,<br />
Aflac Cancer & Blood Disorders Center<br />
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta<br />
Research Co-Director for Survivorship,<br />
Associate Professor of Pediatrics,<br />
Emory University School of Medicine<br />
Emory Translational GI/Hepatology (GI-T32) Program Saul J. Karpen, MD, PhD
Program Director
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Andrew Neish, MD
Assoc Program Director
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Dianne Miller
Program Coordinator
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Raymond F. Schinazi Distinguished Biomedical Chair<br />
<br />
Professor of Pediatrics<br />
<br />
Division Chief, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition <br />
<br />
Emory University School of Medicine<br />
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Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta headshot Professor of Pathology<br />
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Emory University School of Medicine headshot