Training & Internship Opportunities
Emory University and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta offer a multitude of biomedical research programs available to trainees of all levels.
For Job Opportunities, please go to this link.
The 2024 “Discovery Research Fair” is being held for SOM class of 2024 medical students on Monday, August 26, 2024 from 4:30-5:00 pm. At this event, faculty representatives from the SOM departments are available to talk with students about potential research opportunities in their department. Click here for the full inventory of research projects.
- SURE Program at Emory: a summer research program
- The Scholarly Inquiry and Research Experience (SIRE) Program (Formerly Research Partners Program)
- Emory Summer Internship Program
- SUPERR: Summer Undergraduate Program in Emory Renal Research
- Petit Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
- Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Internships (Availability is variable. Go to link and search 'internship' for possible openings.)
- Emory Laney Graduate School
- Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences: A Laney Graduate School division which houses most of the biomedical graduate programs
- BEST Program: A Laney Graduate School program designed to prepare pre-doctoral and postdoctoral students in a range of biomedical research-related careers
- Emory School of Medicine
- Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Educational Opportunities
- Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Institute (Georgia CTSA)
There are a number of training grants at Emory, for a complete list click here
Training Grants awarded to the Emory Department of Pediatrics:
- Emory 5T32HL139443 Research Training in Pediatric Non-Malignant Hematology
- Emory T32DK108735 Research Training Program in Translational GI & Hepatology: Contact Dianne Miller ( phone 404-712-2467 with questions.