Recorded Resources
The core hosts a periodic seminar series. When available, the recordings of the talks are posted here. Other informative videos are also included.
Pediatric Flow Cytometry Facility Video Resources:
- February 21, 2018: High Dimensional Analysis and Visualizations of Flow Cytometry Data, Presented by David Novo, PhD, President of De Novo Software, recording
- April 12, 2019: FACSymphony:High Paramter Solution, Presented by Mike Hulsey, Scientific Solutions Manager, BD Biosciences, recording
- January 20th,.2021 Phitonex Webinar, Presented by Seddon Thomas, recording
Other Video Resources:
- BD Horizon Tour Videos
- Bio-Rad Multi Color Panel Design Video
- Take Control of your Flow Cytometry Webinar
- Biolegend Multi-Color Flow Cytometry
- Cytoflex Review
- FlowJo Training Resource Videos
- Extracellular Vesicle Detection and Analysis via Flow Cytometry
- FCS Express and DeNovo Software Recorded Webinars
- Acquisition and analysis of reproducible high-complexity cytometry data using the Cytek Aurora and the Astrolabe Platform
- Becton Dickinson - Flow Cytometry Videos
Just for fun: